Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013



Berdasarkan Undang-Undang RI Nomor 43 Tahun 2007 tentang Perpustakaan dalam Pasal 1 ayat (8) dinyatakan bahwa Pustakawan adalah seseorang yang memiliki kompetensi yang diperoleh melalui pendidikan dan/atau pelatihan kepustakawanan serta mempunyai tugas dan tanggung jawab untuk melaksanakan pengelolaan dan pelayanan perpustakaan. Pustakawan menyadari pentingnya mensosialisasikan profesi Pustakawan kepada masyarakat luas, dan perlu menyusun kode etika sebagai pedoman kerja.

Di dalam keterbukaan informasi, perlu akses informasi bagi kepentingan masyarakat luas. Pustakawan ikut melaksanakan kelancaran arus informasi dan pemikiran yang bertanggungjawab bagi keperluan generasi sekarang dan yang akan datang. Pustakawan berperan aktif melakukan tugas sebagai pembawa perubahan dan meningkatkan kecerdasan masyarakat untuk mengatisipasi perkembangan dan perubahan di masa depan. Prinsip yang tertuang dalam kode etik ini merupakan kaidah umum Pustakawan Indonesia.

A.      Kewajiban Pustakawan
1.     Kewajiban kepada bangsa dan negara
Pustakawan menjaga martabat dan moral serta mengutamakan pengabdian dan tanggung jawab kepada instansi tempat bekerja, bangsa dan negara.
2.     Kewajiban kepada masyarakat
a.     Pustakawan melaksanakan pelayanan perpustakaan dan informasi kepada setiap pemustaka secara cepat, tepat dan akurat sesuai dengan prosedur pelayanan perpustakaan, santun dan tulus.
b.    Pustakawan melindungi kerahasiaan dan privasi menyangkut informasi yang ditemui atau dicari dan bahan perpustakaan yang diperiksa atau dipinjam pengguna perpustakaan.
c.    Pustakawan ikut ambil bagian dalam kegiatan yang diselenggarakan masyarakat dan lingkungan tempat bekerja, terutama yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan, usaha sosial dan kebudayaan.
d.     Pustakawan berusaha menciptakan citra perpustakaan yang baik di mata masyarakat.
3.     Kewajiban kepada profesi
a.   Pustakawan melaksanakan Anggaran Dasar dan Anggaran Rumah Tangga Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia dan Kode Etik Pustakawan Indonesia.
b.     Pustakawan memegang prinsip kebebasan intelektual dan menjauhkan diri dari usaha sensor sumber bahan perpustakaan dan informasi.
c.     Pustakawan menyadari dan menghormati hak milik intelektual yang berkaitan dengan bahan perpustakaan dan informasi.
4.     Kewajiban kepada rekan sejawat
Pustakawan memperlakukan rekan sekerja berdasarkan sikap saling menghormati, dan bersikap adil kepada sejawat serta berusaha meningkatkan kesejahteraan mereka.
5.     Kewajiban kepada pribadi
a. Pustakawan menghindarkan diri dari menyalahgunakan fasilitas perpustakaan untuk kepentingan pribadi, rekan kerja dan pengguna tertentu.
b. Pustakawan dapat memisahkan antara kepentingan pribadi dan kegiatan profesional kepustakawanan.
c.  Pustakawan berusaha meningkatkan dan memperluas pengetahuan, kemampuan diri dan profesionalisme.

B.      Sanksi
Pustakawan yang melanggar AD/ART IPI dan kode etik pustakawan Indonesia, dikenai sanksi sesuai pelanggaran dan dapat diajukan ke Dewan kehormatan Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia untuk keputusan lebih lanjut. 

Sumber : http://www.google.com/url?q=http://pustakawan.pnri.go.id/uploads/document/Kode_Etik_Pustakawan.doc&sa=U&ei=wQVhUvKvK8K5rge_yYGoBg&ved=0CDYQFjAH&sig2=sg5r_N9wd-kQHWrnnl0I3A&usg=AFQjCNF1P91crogB3OMupDbiuISmi9AFRg

Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013

Pelanggaran etika di lingkungan sekitar

Dikesempatan kali ini, saya ingin menulis pelanggaran etika yang saya lihat di lingkungan sekitar. Dimulai dari tanggal 6 Oktober 2013 hingga 10 Oktober 2013.

6 Oktober 2013
Pagi hari minggu sekitar jam 9 pagi saya pergi ke kampus, karena ada keperluan. Saat di perjalanan saya melihat seorang wanita di pinggir jalan sedang menunggu angkutan umum, wanita tersebut terlihat sedang minum sambil berdiri. Sebaiknya, minum itu dilakukan dengan duduk walaupun sedang menunggu di pinggir jalan.

7 Oktober 2013
Hari senin, saya berangkat pagi sekitar jam 7.30 karena ada kuliah di J4.  Saat dosen masuk dan menjelaskan materi ke mahasiswa di kelas saya, banyak mahasiswa yang melanggar etika. Ada yang main games, tidur disaat dosennya menjelaskan materinya. Termasuk saya dan teman-teman dekat saya, mungkin karena saya dapat tempat yang sangat strategis juga yaitu "dibelakang" -_-"
Mungkin untuk kedepannya akan menjadi pelajaran untuk saya, kalau saya menjadi dosen tersebut gimana?? -___-" dan kalau bisa saya duduk di barisan depan....... (Pasti udah penuh kalo saya datang) hehehehehee

8 Oktober 2013
Hari selasa, saya berangkat kuliah di J4 jam 7.35 dengan teman saya. Di perjalanan saya melihat banyak orang yang melanggar etika termasuk saya, hehehehe. Saat di lampu merah, detik ke 30 banyak orang yang melanggar lalu lintas karena saat lampu masih merah pengendara motor jalan begitu saja, termasuk saya yang hanya mengikuti orang-orang di depan saya *alasansaya* hehehee
Sebaiknya, untuk orang-orang itu, termasuk saya juga di saat lampu merah berhenti di tempatnya, sabar untuk menunggunya hingga lampu berwarna hijau. :)

9 Oktober 2013
Pada hari rabu, saya melihat orang yang melanggar etika. Di perjalanan saya melihat orang melidah sembarangan, itu membuat saya kesaalll. Untungnya saya gak kena ludahannya itu.. Seharusnya, orang itu meludah boleh ajah tapi harus tau tempat dan kondisinya juga...

10 Oktober 2013
Pada hari kamis, saya berangkat ke kampus jam 6.25 karena harus jaga lab. Saya tugas dari pagi hingga malam. Saat di perjalanan pulang saya melihat orang yang melanggar etika. Di saat mengendarai motor ada seorang pria yang membuang sampah sembarangan. Pria tersebut pas sekali di depan saya, untungnya sampahnya tidak mengenai saya...
Jika pria itu ingin membuang sampah, sebaiknya berhenti terlebih dahulu di tempat yang ada tempat sampahnya. ..  :)

Sekian cerita mengenai pelanggaran etika di lingkungan sekitar yang saya lihat.... ^_^

Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

The history of the catfish statue Bekasi

Name : Dita Puji Lestari
Npm : 222 10 106
Class : 3EB17

Bekasi used to have an iconic statue called “Patung Lele and Kecapi”which was put strategic in intersection of Bekasi station, Bekasi biggest mosque, and Public Hospital of Bekasi. This statue was built under development of regent Moch. Djamhari, 1995. Catfish and Kecapi are two resources that known properly in this city.  In addition of an icon, this statue used to be use as an easy direction for strangers who didn’t know much about Bekasi station and another public places in Bekasi.

Unfortunately, the statue itself only stood for at least seven years. Bekasi people didn’t really agree about the catfish and kecapi as an icon. As we know, catfish formerly known as greedy fish yet cheap. So was kecapi. The citizens won’t feel their city as a cheap one.

The people frequently asked for the statue destruction but the government was like never really wanna hear the rumor. Getting disappointed of refusal, finally the citizens destructed it after morning ceremony in April 24th, 2002. Until right now, Bekasi was having no more icon. Now the catfish transform into a big clock.

The history of daendels road

Name : Dita puji lestari
Npm : 222 10 106
Class : 3EB17

The Great Post Road (Indonesian: Jalan Raya Pos or Dutch: De Grote Postweg), is the name for the historical road that runs across Java that connects Anyer and Panarukan. It was built during the reign of governor-general of the Dutch East Indies Herman Willem Daendels (1808–1811).

Java Great Post Road, span from Anjer (Anyer) to Panaroecan (Panarukan).
La Grande Route, as Daendels called it, was a military road which was laid down under the order of King Lodewijk Napoleon who ruled the Kingdom of Holland at that time. France was at war with England and the road was intended to ease military support, transfer of soldiers, in order to defend Java. Before the road was constructed, connections existed between Batavia — Semarang and between Semarang — Surabaya in 1750. North-south connection between Semarang, Surakarta and Yogyakarta was also available at that time. However, these connection paths were not easily passable as heavy tropical rainfall frequently destroyed them.

Daendels faced difficult conditions in Dutch East Indies when he was starting the road construction. The financial situation in the colony was so tight that the minister of Colonial Affairs in The Hague sent him a letter emphasizing the difficult financial situation and the need to reduce expenditures. English was surely a big threat, there were uprisings in Bantam and Cirebon, and some of Daendels opponents, who were alienated from him, took a negative side against him. Daendels then decided to use Javanese unpaid forced laborers to perform most of the heavy work, which resulted in thousands of deaths due to the difficult health challenges of the forests and marshes as well as the labor conditions.

Many of Daendels' opponents became historical sources of the harsh condition during the road construction. Major William Thorn wrote that about 12,000 natives have perished during the construction. Nicolaus Engelhard, who was a governor over most of Java and who had to give up his position to Daendels, stated that 500 workers had died in Megamendung area nearby Buitenzorg (the present-day of Bogor), excluding the number of people who died as the result of illness. Furthermore Engelhard criticized Daendels of the thousand of casualties resulting from the road construction in the woods of Weleri in Pekalongan region.

Today the Java Great Post Road consist the most parts of present Java North Coast Road (Indonesian: Jalan Pantura, abbreviation from "Pantai Utara"). However the original post road is runs through Preanger (Priangan, West Java) highland, from Meester Cornelis (Jatinegara) went south to Buitenzorg (Bogor), and went east to Cianjur, Bandung, Sumedang, and Cirebon. The current north coast road runs through coastal northern West Java which built later after the construction of Daendels' post road. It connects Bekasi, Karawang, Pamanukan, and Cirebon.The road originally ran from Anyer, present day Banten, but formerly West Java to Panarukan, East Java, but later was extended to Banyuwangi. In its current form the Java main road extends through five provinces: Banten, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java and East Java.

The Great Post Road runs through Bandung in 1938 (today Jalan Asia-Afrika)
The road initially served as the backbone of Java's transportation and logistic. It connects some of the largest cities in Java, including Anyer, Cilegon, Tangerang, Batavia, Meester Cornelis (today absorbed into Jakarta), Buitenzorg, Cianjur, Bandung, Sumedang, Cirebon, Tegal, Pekalongan, Semarang, Rembang, Tuban, Surabaya, Pasuruan, Probolinggo and Panarukan.

Sumber : http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Post_Road

Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

The history of the name of jakarta

Name : Dita Puji Lestari
Npm : 222 10 106
Class : 3EB17

Jakarta started out as a small port on the estuary of Ciliwung River around 500 years ago. As the centuries passed the port city grew into a buzzing international trade center. Early knowledge on Jakarta has been uncovered, though in bits and pieces, through the many stone tablets that had been discovered in and around the port. Information on Jakarta up until the arrival of European explorers is few at best.

Accounts of 16th century European writers make mention of a city called Kalapa, which apparently served as the primary port of a Hindu kingdom called Sunda, which had its capital at Pajajaran, and was situated approximately 40 kilometers inland, nearby where Bogor nowadays is. The Portuguese where the first large European party to have had made it to the port of Kalapa. The city was later besieged by a young man named Fatahillah, who hailed from a kingdom nearby Kalapa. Fatahillah renamed Sunda Kalapa Jayakarta on 22 June 1527. It’s this date that is commemorated as Jakarta’s anniversary. The Dutch arrived by the end of the 16th Century and took control over Jayakarta.

Jayakarta was subsequently renamed Batavia. Batavia’s swampy environment was similar to that of the Netherlands, their homeland. They proceeded to build canals in order to protect Batavia against potential floods. The city’s civic center was situated at a field located about 500 meters away from the port. The Dutch built a graceful city hall as Batavia’s seat of government. As time went by, the city of Batavia grew towards the south. Rapid growth brought about accelerated environmental degradation, which forced the Dutch rulers to relocate their governance activities to higher grounds. This area was named Weltevreden. University students in Batavia promoted Indonesian nationalism at the start of the 20th century.

A historical decision came to be in 1928, namely the Youth Pledge, which set forth three ideals, namely one motherland, one nation, and one language of unity: Indonesia. During Japanese occupation (1942-1945), Batavia was renamed Jakarta. On 17 August 1945, Ir. Soekarno proclaimed Indonesia’s independence and Indonesia’s Heirloom and Venerated Bicolor was hoisted for the very first time.Indonesia’s sovereignty was officially acknowledged in 1949. On that very year, Indonesia also became a member of the United Nations (UN). In 1966, Jakarta was granted its official title of Capital of the Republic of Indonesia. It promoted the rate of development of government office buildings and embassies of friendly countries. Rapid development created the need for a master plan in order to regulate Jakarta’s growth. Since 1966, Jakarta has steadily grown into a modern metropolis. Cultural wealth along with dynamic growth had key contributions towards Jakarta’s transformation into a noted metropolis in the 21st century.

  • Was named Sunda Kelapa in the 14th century and was, at the time, a port of the Pajajaran Kingdom.
  • Was renamed Jayakarta on 22 June 1527 by Fatahillah (this date has been set as Jakarta’s anniversary by virtue of temporary city council decree No. 6/D/K/1956).
  • Had for the very first time, under Dutch rule, a city government called Stad Batavia on 4 March 1621.
  • Was renamed ‘Gemeente Batavia’ on 1 April 1905.
  • Was renamed Stad Gemeente Batavia on 8 January 1935.
  • Was renamed, by the Japanese, Jakarta Toko Betsu Shi on 8 August 1942.
  • The Jakarta city government was named the National Government of Jakarta City in September 1945.
  • Was renamed Stad Gemeente Batavia on 20 February 1950 during the Pre-federal Government period.
  • Was renamed Kota Praj’a Jakarta on 24 March 1950.
  • Jakarta, as an autonomous region, was renamed Municipality of Greater Djakarta on 18 January 1958.
  • Government of the Greater Jakarta Capital City Government was formed by virtue of Government Regulation No. 2 of 1961 in conjunction with Law No. 2 PNPS 1961.
  • On 31 August 1964, Greater Jakarta Capital City was declared, by virtue of Law No. 10 of 1964, to remain the State Capital of the Republic of Indonesia by the name of Jakarta.
  • In 1999, by virtue of Law No. 34 of 1999 concerning Jakarta Capital City Government as capital of the Republic of Indonesia, the nomenclature ‘regional government’ was changed into Jakarta Capital City Government, with autonomy remaining at province level as opposed to the city, and Jakarta Capital City Government was divided into six parts (5 municipalities and the Thousand Islands district).

Sumber : www.jakarta.go.id/english/news/2011/03/history-of-jakarta

Sabtu, 27 April 2013

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 (Assignment 3)

 Make sentences from assignment 2 :


  1. She looks really beautiful when she smiles
  2. Demi lovato went to the spa for a special beauty treatment 
  3. Taylor swift was beautifully dressed in a long black skirt and a matching blouse
  4. Beautify her face so she looked confident
  1. Good news is that you can hear both of us
  2. Goodness someone has finally said it
  3. The child plays the piano well
  4. Taylor lautner is a good actor
  1. He is a fast learner
  2. Muslims fast during Ramadan 
  3. Fasten seatbelt ' sign!
  4. Fastness testing products are provided
  1. Sharpen up your image
  2. Sharp as a tack
  3. He cut him meat sharply
  4. Yet the old sharpness is still there, particularly in distant recollections
  1. You right hand is pretty quick acting stuff there ?
  2. Song joong ki runs very quickly until he was tired
  3. Quicken the pulse
  4. He quickly finished his homework 

Minggu, 21 April 2013


Find the adverb, adjective, and verb from the words below!

  • Beautiful - beauty - beautifully - beautify
  • Goodness - good - well
  • Fastness - fast - fast - fasten
  • Sharpness - sharp - sharply - sharpen
  • Quick - quickly - quicken 


5 long sentences which contain of noun, verb, adjective, adverb

1.       He was looking through the long telescope excitedly
Noun : telescope
Verb : he was looking
Adjective : the long
Adverb : excitedly

2.       Cats that are white run quickly
Noun : cats
Verb : run
Adjective : white
Adverb : quickly

3.       Tall men read quietly
Noun : men
Verb : read
Adjective : tall
Adverb : quietly

4.       A white yacht floats slowly
Noun : yacht
Verb : floats
Adjective : a white
Adverb : slowly

5.       Strong winds blow relentlessly
Noun : winds
Verb : blow
Adjective : strong
Adverb : relentlessly

Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama : Dita Puji Lestari
NPM : 222 10 106
Keas : 3EB17

1.  Make 3 sentence of Simple Present!
2.  Make 3 sentence of Simple Past!
3.  Make 3 sentence of Present Continuous!
4.  Make 3 sentence of Present Perfect!
5.  Make 3 sentence of Simple Future!

Answer :
1. Simple Present :
(+) I play UNO with my sister today
(-)  I don't play UNO with my sister today
(?) Do you play UNO with your sister today?

2. Simple Past :
(+) Nia lost her watch last month
(-) Nia didn't lose her watch last month
(?) Did she lose her watch last month?

3. Continuous :
(+) I'm taking an English course at the moment
(-) I'm not taking an English course at the moment
(?) Am I taking an English course at the moment?

4. Present Perfect :
(+) He has given her a bag
(-) He has not given her a bag
(?) Has he given her a bag?

5. Simple Future :
Will :
(+) She will finish her work tomorrow
(-) She will not finish her work tomorrow
(?) Will she finish her work tomorrow?

Be Going To :
(+) She is going to finish his work tomorrow
(-) She isn't going to finish his work tomorrow
(?) Is she going to finish his work tomorrow?